The STF team
Let's get to know each other
The "Self Therapie Formation" team
Administrative staff and trainers

Dr François Le Doze
Founder & Director

Marie Tur
Coordinating Consultant
François Le Doze was a neurologist at Caen University Hospital for 30 years. He became a psychotherapist and made a major contribution to the spread of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapy model in the French-speaking world through the publication of the books Système Familial Intérieur. Blessures et Guérison (scientific coordinator - Elsevier) and La force de la Confiance (co-author - Odile Jacob) and by becoming the first French-speaking trainer of this model.
His encounter with Polyvagal Theory marked a turning point in his understanding of psychology and psychotherapy. The Relational Intelligence® model he created is based on a neurobiological reading of psychological trauma and the human being's capacity to evolve towards healing. He firmly believes that relational security is the foundation of harmonious psychological development.
With this in mind, he founded Selfthérapie Formation (STF), to disseminate this model more widely and train qualified therapists.
As Coordinating Consultant, Marie coordinates and advises STF's administrative and pedagogical teams.
The Team
Administrative & Communication
The Team

Marie Allain Bressolette
Trainer - Responsible for the training of trainers
- Relational Intelligence Psycho-practitioner
- Trainer and head of the train-the-trainer center.

Caroline De Meeus
Educational assistant
- Relational Intelligence Psycho-practitioner

Jacques Tur
Educational consultant & information systems management
- Relational Intelligence Psycho-practitioner