The certification process
Becoming a therapist
in Relational Intelligence®
The "STF" certification
To guarantee the quality of our practices
in Relational Intelligence® The "STF" certification To guarantee the quality of our practices

A 4-stage route
Welcome to our certification course.
You are interested in becoming a Certified Relationship Intelligence® Therapist, and being listed on the site as a "Certified Relationship Intelligence® Therapist".
I - Prerequisites for certification :
1 - Training courses
You have validated :
- Advanced level: Trauma, Dissociation and Attachment.
2 - Professional practice
You have given at least :
3 - Commitment and professionalism
- Undergo regular supervisions with an STF-approved supervisor.
4 - Registration
To register for this course :
07 65 29 27 19
In addition to these prerequisites, STF strongly recommends that you :
Relational Intelligence®
* The supervisor, on the basis of the sessions he or she has given you and/or your experience of Selfi peer-to-peer sessions, may encourage you to enter the certification path or invite you to delay your entry. This advice is a personal recommendation and STF will not be informed of it.
II - The certification process :
This program lasts a minimum of 18 months, and can extend to a maximum of 4 years,
from the date of registration. During this course, you must :
1 - Have taken part in the following two training courses:
Posture of the RI Therapist
or equivalent training
(STF will need to validate your application).
2 - Being a Relational Intelligence® supervisor
1 individual or group supervision session at least every 2 months
3 - Practice with Selfi with the advice of a Selfi coach:
Analyze your sessions and have them checked by a selfi coach.
At least one session every 4 months.
4 - Practicing with Selfi with the advice of a LIR or supervisor
Submit a Selfi to a LIR or your supervisor to identify areas for improvement. Ask for advice at least twice during the 18 month course.
STF highly recommends that you :
- Participate in continuing education and/or "Selfi" training (training that counts as continuing education),
- Continue Relational Intelligence® therapy as a client.
- First treat the first 20 minutes of the session with Selfi. You can treat the rest of the session if necessary.
III - Certification :
1 - Before certification
2 - Pre-certification
Based on the advice you receive, you can decide whether or not to apply for certification (the advice is a personal recommandation and is not advisory and not known to the certifiers or STF).
3 - Certification
- You do a Selfi analysis of this session in its entirety.
4 - Final certification phase
IV - Maintaining certification :
(Conditions may be revised annually on September 1)
For a period of 2 years from the date you obtain your certification, STF asks you to :
Additional information
Fees for this course (payable to STF - certifying body) :
- Opening the registration file: €250 excluding VAT or €300 including VAT.
Administrative fees for file follow-up. - The sum of €375 excl. tax (€450 incl. VAT) when you apply for certification.
This sum will pay the certifier for the time spent analyzing your session and for the certification session itself (2 hours).
The trainers (Coach Selfi - Supervisors - LIR) that you will call on during your course have their own rates.
Certifiers :
- Marie Allain
- Noëlle Buffière
- François Le Doze
Emilie Lasheras - Claire Herrault - Yves Decroly - Ulricke Weissenbacher - Noelle Buffiere - Marie Allain - Ulrick Lagarde - Maelle Mairiaux
Emilie Lasheras - Claire Herrault - Yves Decroly - Ulricke Weissenbacher - Jacques Tur
Coaches Selfi :
Dominique BALON
To register for this course,
please contact Marie TUR,
by mail :
or telephone : 07 65 29 27 19