The therapists registered on this site act under their own responsibility and are committed to respecting the obligations of their status as well as the code of ethics below.
Self thérapie formation (STF) code of ethics
The purpose of this charter is to set out the ethical principles and principles of good practice to be observed by practitioners using the Relational Intelligence® model and wish to appear on the public list of STF practitioners.
Dans l’attente d’un code de déontologie spécifique aux praticiens STF, il est convenu de se référer au Code de déontologie de la Fédération française de psychothérapie, consultable sur le site internet : et ses mises à jour.
In performing their duties, STF practitioners are committed to maintaining the highest standards of their profession.
They accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions and make every effort to ensure that their services are used appropriately.
Maintaining high standards of competence is a responsibility shared by all STFpractitioners for the benefit of the public and the profession as a whole.
STF practitioners recognize the limits of their competence and the limitations of their methods.
They only provide services and use techniques for which they are qualified by training and experience.
They keep abreast of the latest health knowledge and consult scientific and professional information relevant to the services they provide.
The moral, ethical, and legal values and standards that govern the behavior of STF practitioners are a personal matter, just as they are for any citizen, except where they may compromise the exercise of their professional responsibilities or undermine the public trust in psychotherapy and STF practitioners. With respect to their own behavior, STF practitioners must be mindful of the community standards in place and must remain sensitive to the possible impact that compliance with or deviation from these standards may have on the quality of their performance as STF practitioners. They remain aware of the possible impact of their public behavior.
STF practitioners are personally bound by professional secrecy, except in cases where the law requires or permits disclosure. The professional secrecy covers everything that STF practitioners have knowledge of in the exercise of their profession, in other words, not only what is entrusted to them but also what they see, hear or understand. They respect the confidentiality of information obtained from individuals in the course of their work. They disclose such information to third parties only with the consent of the individual (or the individual's legal representative), except in exceptional circumstances where failure to do so would likely result in clear danger to that individual or others. STF practitioners inform their clients of the legal limits of confidentiality. Consent to reveal information to others must normally be obtained in writing from the individual.
STF practitioners respect the integrity, autonomy, and right to live according to one's own beliefs and protect the well-being of the individuals and groups with whom they work.
STF practitioners respect the dignity of the human person, even after death.
They refrain from infringing it in any way, knowing that it is a fundamental and inalienable right.
STF practitioners recognize and respect the human person in all his or her dimensions (physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions), whether they are undergoing therapy individually or in a group.
STF practitioners must treat all clients with equal awareness and respect for the principle of non-discrimination, regardless of their origin, morals, family situation, ethnicity, nation, religion, sexual orientation, disability, health status or reputation.
In all circumstances, they only intervene with the prior, free and informed consent of the persons concerned. However, the consent of the client cannot justify a breach of ethics or a breach of professional conduct.
STF practitioners do not unprofessionally interfere in family matters or in the private lives of their clients.
Coercing people to participate or continue in therapy is unethical.
STF practitioners act with due regard for the needs, specific skills and obligations of their fellow STF practitioners, psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, physicians, among other professions. They respect the prerogatives and obligations of the institutions or organizations with which these other colleagues are associated.
The public statements, service announcements, advertising, and promotional activities of STF practitioners are intended to assist the public in forming opinions and making choices. STF practitioners accurately and objectively present their professional qualifications, affiliations, and functions, as well as those of institutions or organizations with which they or their statements may be associated. In their public statements of psychotherapeutic information or professional opinions or which provide information about the availability of techniques, products, publications, and services, STF practitioners base their statements on generally accepted conclusions and techniques and fully recognize the limitations and uncertainties involved.
Version updated on March 2, 2016