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For over 25 years, I have been accompanying children, teenagers and adults on their path to individuation, coherence, wholeness and unity, on the cognitive, bodily and emotional levels.
My passion for the human being and the relationship with oneself and with others has been particularly nourished by my personal and professional experience of Dr. Roger Vittoz's neuro-psycho-physiological method, recognized by the neurosciences, and as a thwarted left-handed person, by the development of Laterapedagogy/Lateratherapy for all laterally impaired and dyslateralized people.
Training in Relational Intelligence has strongly confirmed to me that human beings can feel insecure, in danger and in deep suffering, and whatever the traumas, when confronted with the non-listening, non-recognition, incomprehension and deregulations of another individual, but also of an institution and a societal model, as soon as they don't correspond or don't correspond enough to their norms; such as a depressive, hypersensitive or atypical person, or sometimes a left-handed person or all those who are laterally misaligned, "dys-something" in our right-handed system...
The 3 pedagogical and therapeutic dispositions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard continue to inspire me in my practice, which is now complemented by the experience I have had and continue to have of listening to my Autonomic Nervous System, which, when it feels welcomed without judgment and understood, is truly happy and gives its best!
And it's this energy that I'm passionate about transmitting through Relationship Intelligence coaching.
Because your time will always be the right time to get to know yourself, to get to know your deepest resources, to heal from your wounds and traumas with support, no longer with the feeling of having been rejected, abandoned and alone on your path, to live in the present moment in safety and confidence, to simply rediscover the taste of Life.
Certified Vittoz psychopractor, trainer/supervisor, former director of the Institut de Formation de l'Association Roger Vittoz
Jungian psychoanalysis
Certified in psychopathology with ACP / Carl Rogers' Person-Centred Approach
Trained in Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Full Trust.
Designer of the Latérapédagogie and Latérathérapie (2 gold medals - House and Senate, WIPO and OMPI - from the Concours Lépine)
Method trainer and supervisor
Founder of G2L / Groupement des Latérapédagogues et Latérapraticiens
Relational Intelligence / Self Therapy Training
Member of FF2P / French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis