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"If I am not ME, then I cannot love You." Yoram Mosenzon
Because the relationship I so long for requires two of us.
This phrase has helped me a great deal on my journey towards myself and towards others. Relational Intelligence has been my map for finding and repairing myself.
In turn, I'd like to accompany you on this journey.
My approach, based on the Relational Intelligence model, is to look together at the therapeutic relationship as an object of work, and to use the body and its sensations as a tool for finding one's bearings, in order to have corrective experiences in the relationship with the other, in safety.
For a long time, I lived with the belief that I couldn't be loved for who I really am. I was looking for connection and at the same time, unconsciously, I was censoring myself, not allowing myself to be me, because I had integrated deep down that the other person can't welcome me and love me if I'm entirely me, authentic.
I moved forward masked among the others, and above all I wore a shell in which I took refuge at the slightest signal unconsciously perceived as danger.
Under these conditions, it's hard to live the deep, authentic relationships I aspired to.
"To feel safe enough to fall in love with life and take the risk of living." Deborah Dana
I explored the teaching profession, which taught me a great deal about the human being and the relationship between the individual and the group, which at the time I saw as incompatible. I chose the individual as my priority and decided to become a psychotherapist.
At the same time, over the last fifteen years or so, I had begun to work, without really being aware of it, on my relationship to myself and to others through dance. Connecting with myself, becoming aware of my bearings, both by fully inhabiting my body, and by adjusting to the other (as a couple), to others (as a group), allowing myself to free my movements, letting life flow spontaneously through me, with music as my medium.
Then the encounter with Nonviolent Communication in 2015, which I continue to integrate and share today. This new way of being in the world enabled me to put into words what I had felt through dance. One step closer to the other, one step closer to myself, one step closer to the relationship.
The experience of fatherhood, separation and alternating custody is, and will remain, a wonderful opportunity to work in depth on my unexplored areas, and above all a perfect illustration of what life has given me when I took the risk of living it!
Finally, in 2020, the discovery of Relational Intelligence, first in therapy and then in training, enabled me to go even further, and to gradually heal my wounds in depth, in relationship, by consciously experiencing security in the bond and the possibility of being welcomed and loved as I am.
It's with great clarity that I choose this model today to accompany you on the path to yourself and help you experience security and depth in your relationships.
To do this, my intention is to be attentive to respecting your rhythm, to listen to you with kindness and commitment, seeking to make explicit all the places in the relationship where it stings, where it sticks, where it's scary, where it hurts, offering you an anchor point, a secure base from which you can set off to discover yourself, the other person and the relationship.
I offer remote consultations (Zoom, Skype, Teams), and face-to-face in Bagnères de Bigorre.
I invite you to contact me with any questions you may have.