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I'm Laurent Dommée, Relationship Intelligence therapist.
This revolutionary approach goes to the very source of attachment traumas, to free you from them!
Visit human dimension has always been at the heart of my professional drive.
For more than twenty years, I have been working with individuals and groups who wish to free themselves from personal or relational difficulties caused by limiting beliefs, traumas, educational violence, controlling relationships, etc. and psychological or sexual abuse.
In 2004, the Non-Violent Communication was a real revelation, allowing me to add another string to my bow. relational essential for safety and the establishment of a link from trust and supportive in my individual coaching.
In 2018 I was accredited in Indivual Coaching through Nonviolent Communication by Issä Padovani.
Then, between 2018 and 2020, I was trained in M.A.I (Multiples Aspects Intérieurs) inspired by IFS (Internal Family System) and Maieusthesia. All of these correspond to the healing of past wounds.
Since 2022, I have also been an Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner, specializing in the treatment of treatment of relational trauma, psychological and sexual abuse.
The approach IR is for me revolutionary by its efficiency.
It enables meet and soothe relational woundss in connection with attachment disorders and traumatic dissociations.
It's an approach fundamental, complete and powerful acts at the very source of the trauma.
In the face of relational or attachment problems, this approach enables you to live and work in harmony with your environment.anchoring deep, lasting peace.
I am supervised in Relational Intelligence® by Maëlle Mairiaux and Yves Decroly
I can accompany you to my office in the 16th arrondissement of Paris or by videoconference.
On pre-order until 4 February (release date)...
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