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Are you looking for a therapeutic approach that combines dialogue and listening to the bodythen the Relational Intelligence® model is for you.
Whether you suffer from difficulties in your daily lifea unhappiness general loss of joy after a trauma, but also as a complement to conventional treatment in the case of burn-out.
More generally, this technique can also be used as life coaching, to improve one's relations with others or to progress professionally.
Over the course of several sessions, we will address :
- the theoretical aspects of this method so that you can gain a better understanding of your own conscious and unconscious mechanisms,
- the inner dialogue with the different parts that make up you,
- the safe experience of bodily reactions to past events.
The support I offer:
My approach is person-centered, based on positive, unconditional acceptance of others, congruence and empathy. Combined with the Relational Intelligence® model, this creates a quality of relationship conducive to change.
Who am I?
I have many facets: wife, mother of two, expatriate, passionate about life, coach and therapist.
As a Relationship Intelligence® therapist with a university diploma in Professional Coaching, I provide one-to-one support to people seeking to improve their well-being.
If today this vocation seems obvious to me, it wasn't always the case. With a double degree in Food and Beverage Engineering and Corporate Finance, I spent 10 years in a variety of positions within multinational companies. Faced with the need to rediscover motivation and meaning in my work, I embarked on a process of personal development and subsequently IR therapy, which enabled me to reconnect with the person I really am, to understand that this path had meaning and to rediscover peace and joy in my daily life and within my family.
I didn't travel this path of professional reconversion and self-discovery alone. I owe it to all the people who have enlightened me and welcomed me as I am. I've been able to put my conscience on my values, which today are my driving forces: respect, justice and peace.
On the strength of this experience, I now offer to accompany you on your own journey.
On pre-order until 4 February (release date)...
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