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(Version française en premier et/and then English version)
To use Brene Brown's expression, I am both "explorer and cartographer".
I'll accompany you to tfind your own answers and solutions, in yourself and by yourself, in complete safety, using approaches, methods, techniques and tools that have worked and are working for many, many people (myself included).
A shrink at heart, my daily is therefore always made ofobservations, work, experimentation, research and learning.
To quote Brene Brown, I'm both an explorer and a cartographer.
I'm here for you to find your own answers and solutions, within yourself and by yourself, while feeling safe to do so, using the approaches, methods, techniques, and tools which have worked and are working for my clients (and myself!).
Therapist at heart, my daily life is constantly made of observations, work, experimentations, research and learning.
Psychopratician in Relational Intelligence - François Le Doze - Levels 1 and 2
Internal Family System Psychotherapist - IFS Association
Nervous system regulation strategies and somatic practices - Linda Thaï - Quantum Way
Formation in Psychopathologie - Arche Hypnosis
Formation in Neurosciences - Arche Hypnosis
Formation "Polyva theoryscabies - Lhe Fundamentals" - Deb Dana and Stephen Porges - Quantum Way
Master Coach, certified NLevel 2 - Geneva International Coaching Institute - ACSTH certification from the International Federation of Coaching (ICF)
Ongoing training - in both French and English, to (again and again!) discover more methods, tools, concepts, techniques...
Website: www.ateliermind.com