Directory of Therapists trained in the IR model

Why a directory of STF therapists ?

As a therapist...

This directory introduces professional Relationship Intelligence® therapists validated by Self Thérapie Formation to you, specifying their field of intervention and giving you all the information they consider useful before your first contact.

As a patient...

This directory will guide you and help you find a therapist trained in the Relational Intelligence model®, who has the skills to meet your needs.

Registration in the directory is completely free. The therapists listed in the directory agree to practice in a totally independent manner in strict compliance with the laws, rules of their profession and the STF Code of Ethics which you can also consult on this site. They present themselves freely under their own responsibility, and the information contained in their individual files is not binding on Self Thérapie Formation.

All these professionals have taken at least our basic level.

They can help you, if you wish, thanks to the additional training they have acquired in the Relational Intelligence® model..

All our STF therapists are supervised by an STF-approved supervisor. 

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Carte : Psychothérapeute

Sélection : Psychothérapeute

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Some directory entries may appear as duplicates, in cases where the therapist practices in several different locations.
Thank you for your understanding.

Offers bilingual sessions
Offers bilingual sessions
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