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February 24 to December 19, 2025



March 10 to 13, 2025

Bilingual seminar


April 9 to 13, 2025



May 19 to 23, 2025



Du 2 au 6 juin 2025



June 16 to 20, 2025


Du 7 juillet 2025 au 16 janvier 2026

SOLD OUT! Waiting list registrations


September 8 to 11, 2025


Mixed training

From October 10, 2025 to December 15, 2025

English-speaking event

Face to Face

Les 18 et 19 octobre 2025


Du 3 novembre 2025 au 22 mai 2026
du 19 novembre 2025 au 31 mai 2026
Du 26 au 29 janvier 2026


Du 2 mars au 2 octobre 2026

Face to Face

Du 30 mars au 13 novembre 2026
du 27 avril au 1er mai 2026


Du 15 juin 2026 au 29 janvier 2027

Map of Relationship Intelligence® therapists

Day: December 9, 2020

5th Douance Web Congress October 8-17, 2020

5th Douance Web Congress October 8-17, 2020

10 days with renowned experts who will give you their keys to: better understand and tame your (high) potential and your feeling of being out of step, help you live your uniqueness to the full, blossom, soothe your mind, get out of your loneliness. The 5th edition of the Congrès virtuel de la Douance opens its doors! [...]

The language of the Relational Intelligence® model (Part 1) - Names of the parts

The language of the Relational Intelligence® model (Part 1) - Names of the parts

By ceasing to conceive of our inner world as a block, the IFS model gives it relief, contours, shapes, colors, faces and movement. It admits a truth that we all perceive without accepting: we are plural, i.e. made up of a very large number of parts. More than [...]

The language of the Relationship Intelligence® model (Part 2) - Life of the parties

The language of the Relationship Intelligence® model (Part 2) - Life of the parties

Both biological and psychological life are subject to the law of homeostasis. This law postulates that systems, whether biological or psychological, seek to return to equilibrium when disturbed. In this way, blood glucose levels always return to 1 g/L, some time after they have been raised by the ingestion of food. [...]

Polyvagal Theory: a valuable aid in our quest for security and connection

Polyvagal Theory: a valuable aid in our quest for security and connection

Polyvagal Theory: a valuable aid in our quest for security and connection Why use POS in therapy? TPV (PolyVagal Theory) has a scientific foundation, derived from neuroscience research, which enables clinical practice to be anchored in a physiological reality that cannot be disputed. TPV provides access to [...]

Coming soon: an introduction to IR and polyvagal theory in comic strips?

Coming soon: an introduction to IR and polyvagal theory in comic strips?

Art-mella is the author of the personal development comics "Emotions, enquête et mode d'emploi" (volumes 1 and 2). Her books are used in the fields of personal development, NVC, therapy, and even in schools, to facilitate the integration of sometimes complex notions of human functioning, in a light-hearted, playful way. [...]

"IFS is profoundly simple": Interview with Anissa Vermeil de Conchard, coach trained in the IFS model by Selftherapy

"IFS is profoundly simple": Interview with Anissa Vermeil de Conchard, coach trained in the IFS model by Selftherapy

We met with Anissa Vermeil de Conchard, 41, coach, consultant and trainer in management and communication. We asked her some questions to find out how IFS training has impacted her professional practice and her personal life. Why did you become a professional coach and IFS practitioner? "I used to work for an IT services company [Editor's note: [...] [...].

Listen to the podcast on France Inter: Attachment, a vital link

Listen to the podcast on France Inter: Attachment, a vital link

Babies and children need secure attachments. A solid foundation for lifelong development. This morning, we take a look at attachment, its benefits, its disorders, and the resilience tutors dear to neurologist Boris Cyrulnik. To love and be loved... Fundamental needs, from the very first minutes of life... At the [...]

Lecture by Dr Le Doze at the 4th Virtual Congress on Giftedness

Lecture by Dr Le Doze at the 4th Virtual Congress on Giftedness

"Regards Pluriels sur le Haut Potentiel": The 4th edition of the Virtual Congress on Giftedness opens its doors! Dr. François Le Doze will give a lecture on October 15 at 7 p.m. (Brussels time - 1 p.m. Quebec time) For more information and to register, click on the image below:  

New video : Testimony of a trainee...

New video : Testimony of a trainee...

Here's a video featuring the testimonial of Cateline, a trainee registered for the Lyon 2019 training course. This video is also an opportunity for us to inaugurate our youtube channel, on which you will regularly discover new video content (go directly to our youtube channel via this link), as well as our new "videos" page, which will present [...].

COVID-19 EMERGENCY" virtual summit

COVID-19 EMERGENCY" virtual summit

Dr. François Le Doze will be speaking next week at the "Quantum Way" virtual congress, organized from April 16 to 19, 2020, on the theme of fear and anxiety in the face of Covid-19. This unique gathering of the world's leading experts in their fields (psychology, energetic psychology, psychotherapy, personal development) is free, online and [...].

The IFS model with elements of polyvagal theory and the Relational Intelligence model,® in comic strips! Release of Art-Mella's book

The IFS model with elements of polyvagal theory and the Relational Intelligence model,® in comic strips! Release of Art-Mella's book

In a previous article, we told you about Art-Mella, author of personal development comics. Having completed the IFS, IR training with François Ledoze, and the polyvagal theory training with Déborah Dana, she has published 2 volumes of a comic strip entitled: "Emotions, enquête et mode d'emploi". Her books are widely used in the field of development [...].

TRANS MUTATION 2016 Summer Conference

TRANS MUTATION 2016 Summer Conference

Having and Power: It was around this theme that TRANS MUTATION's summer conference brought together nearly 200 Belgian executives from the private and public sectors on August 29 and 20. The conference provided an opportunity to present the IFS model. Below is an extract from Dr. François Le Doze's presentation entitled "The IFS Model".

IFS and neurobiology - Integrating neuroscience and Polyvagal Theory into your practice.

IFS and neurobiology - Integrating neuroscience and Polyvagal Theory into your practice.

A new training course is offered by SELF THERAPY FORMATION in the form of a basic level in 2017 and an advanced level in 2018, focusing on integrating neuroscience and Polyvagal Theory into your practice as an IFS therapist. Organized in the form of workshops and co-supervised by Deb Dana (clinician in private practice specializing in traumatic stress [...]

Last minute! Don't miss tomorrow's free webinar with Dr Le Doze

Last minute! Don't miss tomorrow's free webinar with Dr Le Doze

A free online conference, presented by Dr. LE DOZE and psychotherapist Jean-Michel GURRET on the IFS model, will be held tomorrow: "The IFS model, a new way of understanding the psyche and resolving trauma" On the program: The IFS model, developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz from the observation of his patients. The [...]

Read: Psychotherapy of dissociation and trauma

Read: Psychotherapy of dissociation and trauma

As mental health, legal and educational professionals become more aware of the notion of dissociation, many professionals are seeking to gain a better understanding of how it can be treated, and even to train in it. In recent years, new techniques have been spreading in France: EMDR, of course, but also ICV, Somatic [...].

How to cultivate emotional intelligence

How to cultivate emotional intelligence

We would like to inform you of the publication of a new book by Gilles CORCOS: "COMMENT CULTIVER SON INTELLIGENCE EMOTIONNELLE" (HOW TO CULTIVATE YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE) Publisher's presentation: "We all have a 'theoretical' intelligence which helps us to solve problems and acquire knowledge, and then there is the intelligence known as 'emotional', which invites us to feel things, to [...].

Boldness from the perspective of the IFS model

Boldness from the perspective of the IFS model

To coincide with the release of Pierre PORTEVIN's digital book "Osez plus; vivez mieux", IFS trainer François LE DOZE tackles the issue of audacity in a video which we present below, or which can be accessed via the following link:  

New video: "On friendship with oneself..."

New video: "On friendship with oneself..."

Check out this new video of an interview with Pr. françois Le Doze by Pierre Portevin, author of the book "Mon meilleur ami... c'est moi" published by Eyrolles. "In his interview with me, François Le Doze briefly presents the IFS model and explains the vision it brings to friendship with oneself...."  

Trans-mutation: The summer university for private and public sector managers

Trans-mutation: The summer university for private and public sector managers

The seventh edition of Trans-Mutation (Université d'été des dirigeants privés et publics) will take place on Monday August 29, 2016 from 1:30 pm to 10:30 pm and Tuesday August 30 from 8:30 am to 3 pm, in Profondval (near Louvain-la-Neuve). Dr Le Doze will be speaking on August 30, on the theme of "Transforming power struggles into [...].

"The brain and its mysteries" - Conference with Dr. Le Doze - Salon du Livre de Caen

"The brain and its mysteries" - Conference with Dr. Le Doze - Salon du Livre de Caen

A conference is organized on Saturday May 28, with the participation of Dr. Le Doze, as part of the Salon du Livre de Caen. "With Isabelle Jarry, essayist and novelist (Magique aujourd'hui, Gallimard), François Le Doze, neurologist (La Force de la confiance, Odile Jacob) and Laure Limongi, novelist (Anomalie des zones profondes du cerveau, Grasset). [...]

"Internal Family Systems restores our inner unity": Psychologies magazine

"Internal Family Systems restores our inner unity": Psychologies magazine

Here is the full interview given by Dr. Le Doze to "Psychologies" magazine in May 2016. Overcoming our inner conflicts, freeing ourselves from the burdens of the past to rediscover the pleasure and power of being ourselves. Unhindered. That's what Internal Family Systems (IFS) is all about. This therapy, developed thirty years ago in the United States by Richard Schwartz, a doctor of family and marriage therapy, does not [...].

Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) for the first time taught outside the USA.

Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) for the first time taught outside the USA.

SELF THERAPIE FORMATION had the privilege of enabling Toni Herbine-Blank to deliver her IFIO teaching program to French-speaking couples therapists already trained in IFS (May 18-22). The program is based entirely on IFS principles. It includes additions drawn from Herbine-Blank's extensive experience as a couples therapist [...].

PSYCHOLOGIES makes room for IFS in its May 2016 issue.

PSYCHOLOGIES makes room for IFS in its May 2016 issue.

Thanks to this article in this month's PSYCHOLOGIES, the IFS model is about to pass a milestone in its visibility to the public, whether therapists or people seeking treatment. It's a great joy for me to see how far I've come since I started out in 2003, joined by so many [...].

Dr. Le Doze's participation in the "On est fait pour s'entendre" program on the theme of trust, on RTL on September 7, 2015.

Dr. Le Doze's participation in the "On est fait pour s'entendre" program on the theme of trust, on RTL on September 7, 2015.

Dr. Le Doze's participation in the "On est fait pour s'entendre" program on the theme of trust, on RTL on September 7, 2015.  

The IFS approach, an innovative, humane therapeutic tool

The IFS approach, an innovative, humane therapeutic tool

by Dr. François Le Doze on Friday, October 10, 2014 at 8pm in Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium at auditoire Montesquieu 01 IFS therapy (Internal Family Systems) is a model of psychotherapy and accompaniment developed by R. Schwartz, who discovered a new way of reducing psychic conflicts. The patient is [...]

Introduction to the Internal Family Systems therapeutic approach

Introduction to the Internal Family Systems therapeutic approach

Thursday, October 9, 2014 Mouvaux - France by Dr. François Le Doze Thursday, October 9, 2014 in Mouvaux Practical information and registration IFS therapy (Internal Family Systems) is a model of psychotherapy and support developed by R. Schwartz, who discovered new ways to reduce the [...]

IFS presentation at the congress: How can emotions unlock your potential?

IFS presentation at the congress: How can emotions unlock your potential?

Thursday, December 4, 2014 PARIS - France Doctor François le Doze will be speaking at the "How to unleash your potential through emotions" conference to be held in Paris on December 4. "For nearly 30 years and its popularization by Daniel GOLEMAN, Emotional Intelligence has established itself notably as a development practice [...]

The power of trust

The power of trust

A presentation of the psychotherapy introduced in France under the name of Inner Family System, which aims to restore an individual's balance by harmonizing all the facets that make him or her up. This new-found confidence allows each individual to express his or her energy and creativity. Order now



I had the privilege of presenting the IFS model on April 7, 2016, at the invitation of the Ligue Française pour la Santé Mentale, for a conference entitled "IFS Approach to Dissociation". The reception was very warm and the questions numerous. I wrote an article in connection with this conference, which will be published in a book [...].

Find out more: Migrosmagazine article: Those little voices that get under our skin

Find out more: Migrosmagazine article: Those little voices that get under our skin

Pixar's new film "Vice-Versa" delves deep into the inner workings of its characters to capture the debates that take place there. A vision akin to a psychotherapeutic model in vogue, the Inner Family System. An imp on one shoulder, a little angel on the other. Cartoons have long been fond of illustrating the [...]

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